Current Ideas: A Blog by Jeffrey A. Schaler

I've created this blog--"Current Ideas"--to share news and views related to my teaching, writing, and interests. If you want to post something, please keep it brief and to the point. Good contact is the appreciation of difference. There's no limit on opinions or information posting, but the tone of this blog is one of reasonably civilized discussion. Hate material is out, as well as unsupported extreme personal attacks.

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Location: Maryland, United States

Monday, October 09, 2006

Va. Parents Trying to Unadopt Troubled Boy--Mother Says Caseworkers Failed to Disclose Child's Stormy History

Va. Parents Trying to Unadopt Troubled Boy
Mother Says Caseworkers Failed to Disclose Child's Stormy History
By Brigid Schulte
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, October 9, 2006; Page A01

A talkative 9-year-old boy came to Helen Briggs on Valentine's Day 2000. She was a foster mother with years of tough love and scores of troubled kids behind her. But she grew to love this boy. Within the year, she'd talked her husband into adopting him.

Now, six years later, Briggs and her husband, James, a maintenance worker for the city of Alexandria, are taking the highly unusual step of trying to unadopt him.

In 2003, when the boy was 12, he sexually molested a 6-year-old boy and a 2-year-old girl still in diapers. She said it was only then, as she waited outside the courtroom for his sexual battery hearing and caseworkers handed her his psychological profile, that she found out just how damaged the boy had been when he came into her life.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can not believe someone one who calls himself a doctor believes a person can not get addicted ,i never ask for all the ppain and misery in my life and i don't like someone telling me i can quit it has everything to do with where you come from and who you are my father as an addict and he is dead now he never ask to be that way but it happen then i came along and the first time i got high that was it i could not quit ,would you like to come watch me try ,anytime buddy

1:47 AM  

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